What is Scalar Pyramid Energy ?
Scalar Energy also known as Zero-point energy or as the famous Nikola Tesla would call it Radiant energy. Is an Electromagnetic energy that is considered to be the primal force in nature, and ultimately the universe. Scalar energy has been found to promote healing and longevity in living things. It is naturally generated, but this energy can also be enhanced with various methods such as the use of the sacred geometric Pyramid and Scalar energy enhancement devices.. The shape of the pyramid creates a harmonious connection with the earths electromagnetic field. through Scalar energy devices such as the Pyrimed Scalar Enhancement Pyramid.
How does Scalar Energy work?
Scalar energy is the aftereffect of 2 identical frequencies that travel up from opposite directions and collide. Once these frequencies zero out they counterbalances any free movement and a stationary energy field is made. Scalar energy creates a field of energy systems that are alive. This static energy field sends these energy systems in circular forms of energy that radiate outwards from the Scalar energy field in a perfect balanced network.
There are many benefits from the energy produced by the Scalar Electromagnetic Field.
The radiant energy is carried into the cells from the electrical charge generated across cell membranes, bringing the cell membranes up to optimal levels. This allows nutrients to move into the cell and wastes to move out with maximum efficiency. Overall body energy increases as each of the trillions of cells are energized.
Scalar energy increases the strength of the chemical bonds within DNA, which makes it more resistant to damage. In addition to increasing chemical bonds, Scalar energy cleanses the blood, improving its cellular elements. This helps the systems function as they should.
The Immune function, and mental focus have also been found to improve with increased amplitude of all EEG frequencies, but particularly the lower ones. When the left and right hemisphere of the brain become more balanced, It creates an antidepressant effect through direct action on neurotransmitter movement.
Additional Benefits of Scalar Energy Enhanced products ?
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