Experience the energy that is known as Pyramid Power! Ground your body to the earths Electromagnetic energy. Feel the amplification of the negative Ions that are harnessed through the Pyramid. Submerge your body into a bath oh high frequency and Electromagnetic stimulation.
Experience a guided meditation with a frequency stimulating sound bath. Your energy will be amplified.
Are you ready to be the talk of the town! Bring the unique Immersive Pyramid Sound experience to your guests. Create a day to remember while celebrating the moment. We offer packaged group rates, and Pyramid Energy related add on's that will amplify the experience to the next dimension. If you have been looking for that one of a kind event you have come to the right place.
For more information and pricing please email Vee@pyrimed.org with the details of your event. Please include the date of your event
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Pyramids, with their millennia-long history, have been a subject of debate regarding their purpose. However, one undeniable fact is the profound power harnessed by these beautiful sacred geometric structures. Whether you're seated beneath a meditation pyramid or in the proximity of an Orgonite pyramid, you can unmistakably sense the dynamic energy they emit. These energies can range from invigorating and soothing to charging. Pyramids consistently emanate these energies due to their specific shape, orientation, and connection to the northern direction. The pyramid's shape inherently acts as an amplified receptor and resonator for various energy fields, elevating the electromagnetic surroundings. It serves as a barrier against the positive ions generated by everyday technology while functioning as a receiver for the Earth's natural electromagnetic energies.
At the heart of Pyrimed and the transformative Immersive Pyramid Journeys lies the profound belief that knowledge is the key to unlocking your inner potential. To guide you on this remarkable expedition, Vee presents an enlightening Pyramid Energy lecture that acts as your compass before embarking on your immersive journey of self-discovery.
Within a pyramid, the magnetic field flows outward from the south pole while converging inward toward the North Pole. This unique pyramid shape induces a spinning field from its apex for electrons, allowing them to exhibit angular momentum, rotating around their own axis. Consequently, when kinetic or moving energy enters the pyramid through its upper opening, this entrance can be equated with the north pole of its magnetic field. Subsequently, as the pyramid emits energy from its center, this emanation corresponds to the south pole of its magnetic field.
Negative ions play a crucial role in the reproduction and repair of body cells. They are introduced into the body through the air and then distributed throughout the bloodstream. Conversely, an excess of positive ions, often a consequence of air pollution, can lead to conditions like depression and eventually contribute to various illnesses. Consequently, negative ions are known to have a positive and beneficial impact on the body's overall health.
Pyramids are recognized for their ability to generate negative ions. Moreover, they are believed to exert a harmonizing influence on the body's electromagnetic field. This harmonizing effect is significantly amplified when pyramids are constructed using materials such as gold or copper.
Please note:
Additional research findings indicate that achieving a greater impact in stabilizing these energies involves combining non-conductive materials with conductive ones. This has now become a central emphasis in the ongoing research conducted by Pyrimed.
Observations within pyramids have revealed a multitude of intriguing effects:
Additional observations involving both organic and non-organic matter within pyramids include:
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