Bioresonance Therapy (BTR)

   Bioresonance Scan & Therapy

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy, or BRT, also known as MORA therapy, was created by Dr. Franz Morell and engineer Erich Rasche who developed the technology in the 1970s. It is a non-invasive technique used in many alternative and complementary healing medicine practices. Bioresonance testing is used to determine the root cause of health concerns within the body, and depending on the type of device the chakra and auric system as well.

This method is said to assist in restoring the body to better health through frequency, vibration and  Electromagnetic's. Practitioners who use BRT include doctors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, and chiropractors.  It is important to note that while BRT is a trusted tool among many holistic practitioners, it is not an accepted form of treatment among the established medical community.

Clark, C. C. (2022, December 21). What is bioresonance therapy? ZYTO.

How does Bioresonance Therapy work?

The premise behind BRT is that unhealthy or damaged cells emit unique electromagnetic waves that are different from healthy cells. These electromagnetic waves have a certain resonant frequency that are amplified through the cell receptors in the body. Wether it be an organ, muscle, blood cell, bone, tissue etc. Each of these integral parts of our human body construct has a frequency. A lot of research, and study has gone into defining what is considered a balanced or resonant frequency for all the integral parts of our bodily makeup.


Proponents believe that by testing and detecting these altered wavelengths, unhealthy cells can be found. By taking the information generated by the BRT device, and utilizing BRT to send beneficial wavelengths back into the body to correct electromagnetic imbalances. Unhealthy wavelengths can be corrected back to normal to promote healing, and balance. 


What happens during a session?

In a Bioresonance therapy session, A headset is placed on the head directly over the ears. Covering the entire ear. The headphones have Bio inductors which are located inside the right and the left headphones which emits low frequency waves which transmit specific frequencies or electromagnetic signals to the body. Low frequency waves are vibratory waves with a frequency that cannot be heard by the human auditory system. These signals are designed to resonate with and influence the body's own electromagnetic field. The bio-inductors act as transmitters of these frequencies, delivering them to the body's cells and tissues.

The purpose of bio-inductors in bioresonance therapy is to restore balance and promote healing by addressing imbalances or disharmonies within the body's energy system. These imbalances are believed to be associated with various health conditions and symptoms.

By introducing specific frequencies through the bio-inductors, it is thought that the body's own self-regulating mechanisms can be stimulated, promoting a return to a state of balance and well-being. This is based on the principle that every cell, tissue, and organ in the body has its own unique electromagnetic frequency, and disturbances in these frequencies can contribute to health issues.

In addition to the frequency wave headset,  an energy cup that is also connected to the BRT device. The energy cup produces a healing electromagnetic field that can be transferred into an item (water, Herbs, Oils) for continued therapy after the scan. Both the headset and energy cup are connected to the Bioresoance machine that measures and analyzes the energy wavelengths produced by the body. 10

The Bioresoance device will scan the entire body, including but not limited to:

 Bones, Skeletal System, Cells, Tissues, Muscles, Arteries, Blood Cells, Organs, Chromosomes

The measurements taken by the Bioresonance machine from the screening conducted during the session. Will be used to detect abnormalities, and identify unhealthy cells. The identification of any abnormalities will assist the practitioner to better understand the underlying causes of the clients health concerns. 


The Bioresonance Therapy machine used is also used to change the frequencies of any unusual wavelengths that were detected during the screening. It is thought that the machine can cancel out the abnormalities and return the wavelengths of unhealthy cells to normal. This process is believed to help treat the condition or symptom and create healing deep within the body.1


Bioresonance therapy is often used alongside other holistic health practices, the practitioner will be able to assist in creating a treatment plan, which will help aid in continuing the Bioresonance therapy.  Strengthening cellular function. 


          Bioresonance Therapy Session

Will you feel anything ?

Most people won’t feel anything happening during treatment when hooked up to the machine via the headset. There have been reports that during the therapy portion of the session. That a slight tingling can be felt in the certain areas of the body will the frequency is being treated.

BRT is non-invasive and does not have any direct side effects, so it is generally considered safe to try.

Does Bioresonance Therapy work?

There are many anecdotal and clinical reports around the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy, and many people believe in this approach after experiencing benefits first-hand.


Below is a list of some of the specific conditions that have been studied in the literature, along with a look into what the science says so far.



Many studies have been done to investigate the effects of bioresonance therapy on allergies, as that is a common condition treated with this technique. However, the results so far are quite mixed, and there’s no overwhelmingly reliable evidence from the multiple studies conducted at this point in time.2



Some positive results from very small studies suggest that bioresonance may provide benefit to those with depression, both by itself and as a complementary tool alongside conventional treatments.3 4


Smoking addiction

There is one study supporting the use of bioresonance therapy for smoking cessation. In a study involving 190 smokers, researchers divided the group of participants in two. One received placebo treatment, and the other received bioresonance treatment. The success rate in the treatment group was significantly higher than the success rate in the control group.5


Rheumatoid arthritis

One study found bioresonance therapy to positively alter antioxidant function in people with rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that antioxidant activity can help lessen tissue damage in people with this condition, so these results may be promising for people with rheumatoid arthritis.6



Another common use of this therapy is treating eczema, also called atopic dermatitis. However, a study done in children with eczema did not confirm any positive effect after using this therapy.7


Digestive issues

In a small randomized controlled study involving 20 people, the participants reported reduced digestive complaints and stomach pain after using bioresonance therapy.8


Even though some studies have seen positive results, additional research is needed to confirm the findings and help us better understand the scientific validity of this therapeutic method.


Common conditions that Bioresonance therapy is used for

Bioresonance therapy is often used for a wide range of illnesses, symptoms, and diseases. Practitioners use this therapy to determine and treat the underlying causes of almost any health concern you can think of.


Common conditions that bioresonance therapy is used for include:

  • Allergies
  • Food intolerances
  • Fatigue
  • Eczema
  • Smoking addiction
  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pain
  • Stomach pain and digestive disorders
  • Cancer
  • Overtraining syndrome
  • Obesity

Proponents suggest that the general benefits of the technique include restoring the natural flow of the energy in the body, helping align the body’s frequencies, improving mood, boosting energy, reducing toxins, healing the toll of stress, and more.9

How Long is a session ?

A single session may last around an hour or two depending on the selected treatment session. You may go through several treatment sessions over time. However, this may vary based on the complexity of your condition and the unique approach of the practitioner.

Contraindications for testing

This Device is not to be used by people who utilize any of the following devices, suffer from or fall into any of the following groups.

 This device uses electromagnetic waves which may interaction a negative way with people who have certain medical device or implants or condtions.

The most common contraindications are :


  • Pacemakers
  • Cochlear Implants
  • Vascular Clips
  • Artificial Heart Valves
  • Insulin Pump
  • Metal Implants in the body or Teeth
  • Plaster Casts

Medical Conditions

  • Pregnant women
  • People who suffer from Thrombotic Disease
  • People who Suffer from Epilepsy
  • People who Have suffered Stokes
  • People who have suffered from Cerebral Hemorrhaging
  • People who suffer from Mental illnesses
  • Personality disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Obsessions

          Age Restrictions

  • 5 years and under for therapy
  • please note that we only service clients 18 and older unless under special circumstances please contact Pyrimed for further information

Preparing for your session

In order to prepare for your upcoming Bioresonance Therapy session to get the best result possible please read and follow the recommendations below.

Please refrain from eating anything 3 hours prior to you session. You can have water

No consumption of Coffee, Teas, Herbs, and or Energy drinks on the day of you BRT session

Do not consume any supplements, homeopathic medicines or Vitamins 2 Days before the test. unless it posses a health risk

No smoking within a two hours of your session

If it does not endanger the health or life of the participant, discontinue the use of medication 2 days prior to the test. After the session is completed you may resume taking your medication and supplements immediately after the session has concluded.   

We value the safety of all clients, please do not withhold taking your medication if it is vital for your wellbeing and daily function!

you will be asked to remove any Jewelry, watches, glasses , and all metal objects from your pockets.

All Cellular devices will be kept 6 feet away from the testing area.

You will not be able to use your phone for a minimum of 1 hour+  depending on chosen session.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and the information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I make no claims or guarantees regarding the effectiveness or outcomes of the techniques, therapies, or products discussed. The information provided is based on my knowledge and experience and should not be considered as medical advice. Individual results may vary, and it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Use any techniques or products mentioned at your own risk, and always follow the advice of your healthcare provider.


Experience Bioresonance Therapy with High Vibrational Healing Modalities.

Including Pyramid Energy Healing With hand made Copper & Crystal tools.

After we help you discover what you want, we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it. 

Sources and Credit

1. “The MORA – Bioresonance Therapy.” MORA Akademie.

2. Galle, M. “Bioresonance therapy with children suffering from allergies – An overview about clinical reports.” European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4, no. 1 (2009): 234-235.

3. Muresan, D., A. Salcudean, et al. “Bioresonance therapy may treat depression.” Journal of Medicine and Life 14, no 2 (2021): 238–242.

4. Muresan, D., S. Voidăzan, et al. “Bioresonance, an alternative therapy for mild and moderate depression.” Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23, no. 4 (2022): 264.

5. Pihtili, A., M. Galle, et al. “Evidence for the efficacy of a bioresonance method in smoking cessation: a pilot study.” Forschende Komplementarmedizin 21, no 4 (2014): 239–245.

6. Islamov, B.I., R.M. Balabanova, et al. “Effect of bioresonance therapy on antioxidant system in lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 134, no. 3 (2002): 248–250.

7. Schöni, M. H., W.H. Nikolaizik, & F. Schöni-Affolter. “Efficacy trial of bioresonance in children with atopic dermatitis.” International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 112, no. 3 (1997): 238–246.

8. Nienhaus, J., & M. Galle. “[Placebo-controlled study of the effects of a standardized MORA bioresonance therapy on functional gastrointestinal complaints.” Forschende Komplementarmedizin 13, no. 1 (2006): 28–34.

9. “Can bioresonance therapy help you?” London Clinic of Nutrition Limited.

 10. Clark, C. C. (2022, December 21). What is bioresonance therapy? ZYTO.

The information provided in this article is intended to improve, not replace, the direct relationship between the client (or site visitor) and healthcare professionals.

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